12.3.7. Box2

A rectangle with some upgrades Attributes:

  • .text ** : the text that goes inside
  • .stroke ** : the stroke attributes (lineattributes)
  • .diagonal#n: returns one of the diagonals (n=1,2)
  • .east, .right, .e : right edge of the box
  • .west, .left, .w : left edge of the box
  • .north, .top, .n : top edge of the box
  • .south, .bottom, .s: bottom edge of the box
  • .nw, .ne, .sw, .sw: the four corners of the box
  • .corner.<id> : one of the 4 corners of the box. <id> can be a number or one of ‘nw’, ‘sw’, ‘ne’, ‘se’