12.4.17. Pyramid Attributes

.base:a closed polygon marking the base of the pyramid
.sides:the number of sides. uncompatible with base
.height:the height of the pyramid
.length:the length of the segment from base center to the apex
.angle:the angle of the heaving. Its a tuple (angle, orientation)
.tapering:a factor that in %/m.
 an exponent for tapering
.apexAngle:the angle of the apex. incompatible with tapering
frustrum:the height at which the pyramid is cut
.top (RO):the top of the pyramid
side#<n>:each one of the sides of the pyramid
edge#<n>:each one of the edges supporting the apex. The edges in the base are access through base.edge#<n>

additionally, it inherits all the attributes of a body Functions: Examples:

(example pyramid.1):

pyramid p: .height 23