12.4.7. Cone

A cone, full or truncated. Base can be a circle or an ellipse

See also: cavalieri Attributes

  • .diameter: diameter for the cone. If a pair given, mayor axes of the ellipse
  • .radius: radius for the cone. If a pair given, mayor semiaxes for the ellipse
  • .height: height of the cone
  • .skew: a displacement vector for the tip of the cone
  • .size: [RW] sets or gets the size of this box, a tuple (width, height, depth)
  • .diagonal.n: [R] Returns a segment for the requested diagonal. Diagonals can be
    named as the starting point: tnw, tne, tsw, tse, bnw, bne, bsw, bse

Additionally, all the attributes of body Functions:

(none) Examples:

A simple cone:

cone c: .height 10cm : .radius 5cm : .material ABS