12.2. 3D Operators Reference

Note for me: two ways of using an operator: truncate p, this makes p a truncated body (that contains the old p). or q = truncate p. This creates q that is a truncated body, and p stays (p will be set to hidden, though???)

12.2.1. Bevel

takes away an edge, producing a 45 degree angle. Produces a beveled figure. This retains all the toponymics, but is shown beveled in the given edges Attributes:


This parameters can be repeated as many times as bevels

If the edge parameter is set to all, all the edges will be beveled

  • .kind: one of ´´flat´´, ´´round´´ Functions:

See also: round corners Toponymics:

the bevel works as a surface than can ba accessed as edge.bevel. It can be complex, for example in the intersection of two curves. Example:


cube c: .side 2cm
bevel c: .edge all .size 2mm

12.2.2. Cutaway/Section

Cuts a figure and exposes the section Attributes

.plane:the plane for the cut.
.reverse:a boolean value that reverses the side exposed
.angle:a rotation to apply to the plane (XXXHOW??) Examples:


12.2.3. Drill

See also: rope Attributes


diameter of the drilling


thread for the drill


inclination of the drill with respect to the surface. Its given in two angles????


box parameters, if there is any box

  • ..diameter:
  • ..depth:
  • ..tapering: Functions:

asdf Examples:


12.2.4. Foam/Gruyere

Introduces voids in the object Attributes:

crust:size of the crust. This controls the minimum depth into which the center of the voids are placed
size:size for the voids. Can be a distribution, of course
material:material for the voids. Defaults to air
orientation:a vector, a function that returns a vector, or random Examples: Technical:

Gruyere wraps the figure in a gruyere object. all the toponymics stays unnaffected See also:

  • Spray a way to cover an object with bodies. A sort of an opposite

12.2.5. Sample

this operator takes a sample of the inside of the body


12.2.6. Scratch:

produces scratches (HOW?)


12.2.7. Shatter

Shatter decomposes the body into primitive shapes and expands them appart in a non-clashing arrangement. Attributes:

.size:size of the fragments
.evenness:statistical distribution for the size
.shape:shape of the shards. One of tetrahedra/tetra, cubes, random
.volume:final volume. Can be given as an absolute volume, a percentage o an absolute ratio Examples:

12.2.8. Explode

the explode operator decomposes a body into primitive shapes and expands them appart in a non-clashing arrangement. Attributes:

.size:size of the fragments
.evenness:statistical distribution for the size
.shape:shape of the shards. One of tetrahedra/tetra, cubes, random
.volume:final volume. Can be given as an absolute volume, a percentage o an absolute ratio
.energy:for simulations or movies, each shard is given an initial speed. This controls how much energy is put into the system. This value will be divided among the fragments
.direction:direction for the fragments Examples:

12.2.9. Slice

this operator takes a body and takes out one or more slices from it

12.2.10. Spray

this operator takes a body and sprays copies of another onto it Attributes:

.depth:depth of the sprayed objects in the object. Can be given as a length, or percentaje of the sprayed size
.number:how many objects
.clash:whether the new sprayed objects clash into the existing ones, or only on the object
.scale:for scaling the sprayees.

12.2.11. Truncate

Truncates the corner of a body Attributes:

.size:how much to cut away from the corner
.mode:one of round, flat
.vertex:a vertex or list of vertices

those attributes can be repeated. Size and mode affect from the point they are found to the point where a new size of mode is defined Examples:

(example truncate.1):

pyramid p: .height 23
truncate p: .vertex top .size 2mm .vertex base.1 base.2 .size 3mm